Around 8:00 a.m., Eddie and I took some food to the park across the street from the hotel. While a few joggers and dog-walkers passed, we ate, watched the birds and - above all - absorbed the sights, sounds and smells. Being present - mindful - is so difficult when travelling. Perhaps it is always difficult to be mindful, but the alertness someone (someone like me, anyway) requires to keep all the balls in the air while away from home makes mindfulness especially hard to achieve. Many times, I have asked myself or Eddie, "Where are you?" If not here, on this corner, under this tree listening to a blackbird, then where? In your head, tallying up euros spent, or back home?
A quiet place allows that monkey mind to settle a bit. The monkey finds less to monitor, allowing greater processing of both inner and outer.
The time in the park allowed for this. Lovely.
Later on, as the sky clouded over, yet again, we walked in the cemetary beside the second hotel. (We misjudged when deciding to stay only one day out of three at the first.) I happened upon a map. We had chanced upon the very graveyard where Goethe's family plot lay there, as well as the grave of Charlotte von Stein, one of the many women in his life who inspired him! Eddie and I started to search, but we found the twists and turns confusing. Thinking the cemetary would close at 6:00, we tried to find the exit. The gloomy evening, heavy tree cover, many birds, flowers, and centuries-old graves closed in on us. At last, we saw a gate in the distance. On the way there, we found by accident the markers we had sought intentionally. Goethe's children (and grandchild?) were buried there, but not him.
I remember checking to figure out if he could have any descendents, and being sad to learn that all his grandchildren (maybe two or three of them) died before reaching maturity. Not unusual for the day, but the drawings suggested very weak-looking faces (at least they did to me at age 17). So the great man's writing and drawings are all that remain of him in the world - but what a legacy.
Charlotte v Stein's grave |
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